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I have evolved 2 slightly different styles for my manifesto. The one I would progress is the one of the right as I feel I could develop this style further into a motion piece. The style of writing would be euphoric and dreamy with background music to reflect this.
Although I have been reading throughout the module, I have realised that I haven't really reflected this in my blog. This is just an update to bring you up to speed on some of what I've read!What is Graphic Design? – Quentin NewarkWhat is Graphic Design For? Alice TwemlowGraphic Design Now – Charlotte and Peter FiellVisible Signs – David CrowDesign For Interaction – Lisa BaggermanGas Book 08 - Blu Source OfficeHow to Be A Graphic Designer Without Losing Your Soul – Adrian ShaughnessyType in Motion 2 – Matt WolmanGraphic Design: A Concise History – Richard HollisThe Anatomy Of Design – Steven Heller & Murco IlicLooking Closer 3 – Michael BierutLooking Closer 4 – Michael Bierut
Although I probably won't have the opportunity to progress this manifesto any further during this module, I have had some ideas as to how to progress it in future - if I have the time I will do this as a project outside the module as I feel it is a bit of a fun project. I would like to evolve it as a moving presentation so I can incorporate some additional content and show the idea building and developing. The project would have a voice over the top discussion my list of opportunities further.
Words in italicStage directions in boldSCREEN1Opening screen Big ‘My Manifesto for seizing opportunities’ gradually appearing on the screen. ‘by Pandora Taylor’ appears underneath Fade to blackSCREEN2‘Graphic Design is an opportunity...’ in a bubble appears on screenMy only goal, or rule for my ongoing practise is to seek and explore opportunities wherever possible - to cultivate a sense of adventure and exploration.It is my belief that as an individual and graphic designer I will achieve greater progression through seizing opportunities. This will have knock on benefits for both myself and my audience. Benefits which can be physical, mental or emotionalSCREEN 3Zoom in on head image‘To inform’ text appears on screenGraphic design is an opportunity to inform...and contribute to understanding and communication whether it be a road map or a political campaign, our world is dependent on information...‘To clarify’ text appears on screen this doesn’t necessarily simplifying but finding an appropriate method of getting the message across – to make the message clear. Sometimes ambiguity is the message‘To learn’ text appears on screenThrough ongoing research and investigation. To problem solve. To become more culturally aware. ‘To create’ text appears on screenI feel a sense of pride when developing something to be greater than the sum of its parts ‘To play’ text appears on screenAs Paula Scher suggests with her ‘serious play’ concept – take risks, try new things – Play – be as curious of a child‘To challenge’ text appears on screenPeoples preconceptions, or rules. Push the boundaries of what is the norm. ‘To influence’ text appears on screenand adhere to my own ethical and moral principles ‘To dream’ text appears on screenand explore the depths of my imagination. ‘To inspire’ text appears on screenWith strong and memorable messages ‘For self discovery’ text appears on screenAnd find and explore my own style and learn about myself in the process ‘To share your soul’ text appears on screenAnd feed your soul. And try very hard not to lose it
Although previously I had begun to work on a book for my manifesto, this has again changed - I have now decided to work on something similar, in a mind mapping kind of style. The idea is reflective of our first project whereby I illustrate where each of my list of opportunities stems from. This is meant to indicate the benefits to myself or a graphic designer with similar values. During the process I also considered displaying my manifesto as a Venn diagram using the same principles. I could still change my mind!
I have spent (or wasted) a huge amount of time considering the best way to display my manifesto and have finally come to the decision that I will present it in a very simple style, similar to a childs book. I think that this links in with my original 'its okay to be childish' statement and allows for me to incorporate the things that I tend to be drawn to visually - simple, bright and fun. I only wish I had had made this decision earlier as time is swiftly running out!