Monday, 26 October 2009

My influences

Dub be good to me: Beats International
Introduced me to dance/alternative music
My teacher was the lead singers mother (I was 12) and they were both lovely!

A clockwork Orange: Anthony Burgess
As a genre I quite like dark books - other books such as The Rats and The Wasp Factory are also some of my favourites
I find it really interesting how a writer can make you empathise with the 'anti-hero'
Use of language - it really draws you in that you have to learn Burgess' made up slang
Never watched the film, think the story is so complex, you need time to understand the characters. I just think its really interesting to look at things from a whole new viewpoint
Powerful imagery in how things are described

Waking Life: Richard Linklater
Rotoscoped film that takes place within a dream
Introduces you to really complex ideas in a very beautiful way
Good use of animation to illustrate the magic of dreams

I tend to prefer magical films and animations. Another favourite of mine is The Iron Giant, originally written by Ted Hughes. I love how poetic and moving the story is and the underlying morale of the story - 'you are who you choose to be'

Visual Artist
Airside Creative Agency: started by Alex Maclean, Fred Deakin and Nat Hunter working across disciplines of graphic design, illustration, digital interactive and moving image
Their work often seems to be quite fun - visually, I definitely love all light hearted things and this appeals to the child in me
They do allsorts, products, digital work, design. I like the idea that there creative team get different types of projects to do to feed their creative nature
Still a fairly small company but very successful. Its nice to see a smaller company make such a big mark. It's something I aspire to

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