Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Attempt at an Elevator pitch for my business idea

I’m Pandora. I have 8 years experience in Media Design and Development. I’ve gained my experience through design agencies, freelance projects and more recently as part of a marketing team for a large organisation.
Through my experience and through meeting other freelancers I’ve noticed that there are lots of benefits of working with a freelancer. They are often motivated, independent self starters and there are also financial benefits, but there is also quite a high level of risk. If the freelancer is sick or on holiday there is no-one to cover the workload, they might not have the entire range of skills the client needs.
My proposal of a collaboration of freelancers eliminates the risks and adds more to the benefits.
There is a wider network of support and an opportunity to bounce ideas off each other.
Collaboration allows for experience and knowledge to be shared to produce an effect that is greater than the sum of its parts. The synergy provides experience in branding, design, copywriting, photography, web design and development and social media.
This combined product meets the needs of today’s Y generation. They tend to be more web literate and in touch with today’s technology, and quite likely to take advantage of the opportunity to reinvent themselves during the recession. Freelancers within the collaboration fit into that category themselves and understand what appeals to the market.
The costs of working collaboratively are split between us – this allows us to advertise our skills more effectively and gain better deals on purchases.
Our support network and lower overheads allow us to provide our services at a lower cost than most of our competitors, without affecting the quality.

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