Friday, 26 February 2010

Further consideration of business idea

I've tried to consider some more detailed aspects of setting myself up as a freelancer:

The services I would hope to offer would involve graphic design, web design, development, social networking, e-marketing, photography, illustration, animation, branding & identity - although I wouldn't be able to provide all of these skills, I do have a number of freelance contacts that I could pass work on to. Both parties would benefit - myself through being able to provide a larger range of services, and whom I passed the work onto. Through this I would hope that we could provide more security to the client, e.g. ability to do a number of things, meet tighter timescales, larger range of skills and enable myself to win bigger contracts.

It would be nice if I could somehow integrate my practise into my business idea - 'play'. As my business 'front' would be online, I could possibly integrate the 'play' concept into the brand and identity of the business.

If I were to evolve the idea into a collaboration of freelancers, I could include features on each freelancers practise and inspiration. This could allow for clients to make better informed decisions about who they choose to work with than if they went through a recruitment agency.

My concern for this idea at present is that it seems to be evolving into something else. Initially I was purely concerned with setting myself up as a freelancer. This collaboration idea could result in myself acting as an agency for a number of freelancers? Is that where I would like to go?

I have come across a number of websites discussing the benefits of freelance collaboration including It suggests that collaboratively working is an emerging trend amongst freelancers and offers benefits for both freelancers and business. I need to do more research into whats already out there.

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