Saturday, 27 February 2010

Week 2: Workshop with Percy Emmett

This week we had a really interesting workshop with business 'starter' Percy Emmett. Percy has worked in a number of different creative roles and has set up a number of different businesses. He enjoys setting up businesses but not necessarily running them. During the class we performed a range of different activities that allowed us to dissect our ideas and see where the holes were. We worked in teams on one members idea, so I will now try to apply these same questions to my own idea (that has a billion holes in it!)

What are the values/benefits of my business idea?
Lower costs than a design agency
Working directly with the client
A range of people able to pick up the job should 1 person not be able to complete
Clients knowing more about the creative that is doing the work
Opportunity to win larger clients
Opportunity to have a larger online presence / collaborative marketing of services
Freelancers can still retain some sense of identity - design in accordance with their own values and beliefs

What do I like/admire about my idea?
From a personal perspective I would have to say that 'a sense of identity' and collaboratively working with other creatives is what I most like about my idea. I think going freelance is often quite a scary prospect for many, and this could resolve some of the factors.

Why should people care?
My idea could provide a more affordable service, and more security that the job could be done. It could allow freelancers to work on larger projects to tighter timescales.

5 words that represent my values
I am considering this in terms of my businesses potential identity:

In 3 years time... (including additions in blue from team members 01/03/10)

What does it make redundant?
Recruitment agencies
Hierarchical structures
Job security
Client uncertainty as to what type of agency to use.
Large specialist agencies.

What does it retrieve?
A sense of belonging for all creatives.
Creatives being involved with work outside of their normal area.

What does it enhance?
Relationships between designers & clients
Bigger contracts
Community spirit within the work area.
Sense of ownership among creatives.
More creative atmosphere in which to work.

What does it become when flipped on its head?
Everyone becomes freelance
Competition amongst each other
Business having to trawl through hundreds of designers in order to pick one
Client unsure of who is handling the job.
Increase in freelance prices as individuals value themselves more than others.
jobs lost due to lack of organisation.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pandora
    Here are a few comments for the work we did with Percy. I hope I have understood that you are looking to work with other creatives on various projects thus pooling resources.

    What does it make redundant?
    Client uncertainty as to what type of agency to use.
    Large specialist agencies.

    What does it retrieve?
    A sense of belonging for all creatives.
    Creatives being involved with work outside of their normal area.

    What does it enhance?
    Community spirit within the work area.
    Sense of ownership among creatives.
    More creative atmosphere in which to work.

    What does it flip into?
    Client unsure of who is handling the job.
    Increase in freelance prices as individuals value themselves more than others.
    jobs lost due to lack of organisation.

    Hope this helps, see you Thursday, Chris
