Tuesday 26 October 2010

Developing ideas - Zoetrope

In response to the brief I've decided to develop the Zoetrope idea. I feel that we can interpret the text in alternative ways and a Zoetrope would make for an interesting 'Circular book'. Fortunately we have a record player at home so I was able to test out the concept without too much complication. I also decided to incorporate the collage man as he invokes emotions I feel appropriate to 'The Library', which I sense is a dark and nonsensical place.

Some beautiful and inspiring Zoetrope:

I find Zoetropes to have a beautiful old movie feel. Its surprising how technology has moved on yet a Zoetrope seems more magical in a way.

Through my research I came across some really interesting research into the history of Zoetropes. Originally they were considered to be “Daedalum” or Wheel of the devil; (http://vl203.wordpress.com/2010/11/05/zoetrope-or-wheel-of-the-devil/, http://animationhistory.blogspot.com/2006/05/zoetrope.html) and was renamed to mean 'wheel of life'. Either phrase is loaded with religious meaning that I feel appropriate to The Library and specifically the Circular book.

My Zoetrope:

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